upcoming events

Lots of things are going to be happening within the next month, and I'm not sure how it'll all go. The end of the first quarter is approaching, and everybody is getting ready to take the unit test. I'm a little nervous to take it since there's a lot of questions on it, but I mostly just want to get it over with. In other news, I've been looking into customizing my own mechanical keyboard as of late and the other day I finally decided on the parts that I wanted and they should all be here within the next 4 days, give or take. It was pretty expensive, but I was allowed to be a little self-indulgent because my birthday's coming up. My birthday is in December, which could be good news or bad news in terms of presents for me. If there is a present that I want that is particularly expensive, then it counts as both my birthday and Christmas present. If my birthday present that I want isn't that expensive, then they'll still tell me to think about what I want for Christmas. Usually even if I get something expesive for my birthday, I'll still get a little something for Christmas because my family always feels bad to not have anything to give me on a day where everybody else is always so excited, you know?

But part of the stress in trying to figure out what I want is trying to actually think of something I want. I usually don't ask for things very often, because I'm pretty content with what I have, so it's always stressful when people ask me what I want because there's nothing that really comes to mind most of the time. They usually give me money nowadays anyway so that when I do figure it out, that I'll actually have the money to buy it. I miss the days when I used to have a mile long list of toys that I wanted, but I guess it's better for our budget that now I'm content with what I have. I think what I'll end up doing is just ask for a few posters to put on my wall. I'm kind of tired of looking at these BNHA anime posters now, since I don't even watch the show anymore since the fandom kinda ruined my experience with the show. One of my friends already said she would buy me a poster I've been wanting for a while now, and I guess I could just have my family buy me a "Scream" poster or a "Child's Play" poster. Or maybe both, who knows.

Also for my birthday, my family is trying to arrange for me and my friends to go out somewhere to eat and chat, since we had so much fun at the Halloween party. We hadn't seen each other for a few years. It was exciting to be around them all, and I'm hoping I can see them again if we're able to get this plan in motion. I'm not sure what my friends are talking about, but they also were planning on all going to the mall afterwards?? Not sure what that's about, but I guess I'll get more information on the plan as the day draws near.

Either way, kind of exciting, kind of nerve-wracking, kinda both.

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