I have a few new updates for you all, but I also want to explain why I'll be updating this journal less frequently from now on.
There's no school today since it's snowing heavily, and also over the winter break I found out I might have curlier hair than I originaly thought.
There's so many movies and tv shows that I want to watch but I have no idea when I'll ever find the time to actually watch them.
I have quite a few classes where we never do anything, so I've been using that time to make updates to my site.
I never used to understand when my family would freak out when there were discounts on stuff we wanted but now I do.
Since my last update, a lot has happened. For one, you know how I said that I was supposed to get my phone in 1 to 3 business days?
The results from my doctor's appointment are in, and also my phone is unusable. Tw: discussion of health
So, long story short, my health is declining and it's kinda stressful. Tw: discussion of health and illness
It's only the beginning of the week, but I got a lot of stuff over with and out of the way.
Lots of things are going to be happening within the next month, and I'm not sure how it'll all go.
A lot's been going on in my life as of late, but hopefully things will calm down soon. Tw: discussion of mental illness
After a long day of coding and working on getting more pages of my site up and running, I've decided to binge watch Child's Play.
This week's been a little stressful, but there's a lot to look forward to for the weekend.
As of writing this, I've had this website for three days, and it's proved to be a bit of a challenge.