blood loss

So, long story short, my health is declining and it's kinda stressful. Now, I don't mean to alarm anybody when I say this, but I definitely haven't been doing so hot as of late. I have a bleeding disorder and I've lost a lot of blood, so for the past few days I've been lightheaded and dizzy. But it was last night that I was laying in bed, getting ready to go to sleep, when all of a sudden my muslces were fatigued and it felt like I had just done a full-body workout. I couldn't get up from my bed because I was so weak, and I had to get help from my grandma and she brought me food even though it was late at night. This morning I'm definitely feeling better, but my doctor warned that this would happened eventually and it finally has.

What I'm worried about now is that if this keeps happening or if I just get worst from this point, that I might have to get a blood transfusion. I'm hoping that it won't have to come to that, though. I used to take medication to help the bleeding, but my insurance stopped covering it because they claim they "don't see why it's necessary." So for 2 months now I've been without medication and this is the result. Thanks for nothing, insurance company. :/

On a brighter note, I already had an appointment set up to go to the doctor tomorrow for my wellness visit and I'll be able to bring all of this up with her and hopefully we can get all of this stuff that's going on with my health sorted out so that I can get my life back on track. I haven't been able to see her for over a year now, so this doctor's visit is long overdue. I love my doctor, but I'm always uncomfortable at the doctor's office because the workers there say mean stuff about me when they think I'm out of earshot. Little do they know, I've got excellent hearing. But right now isn't the time to worry about if the nurses are going to say stuff about me, I just have to focus on getting my strength back and getting healthy again.

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